Our Services

We offer a comprehensive range of financial services. See below for some of our most popular.



A well prepared pension plan which is regularly reviewed should go some way to providing you with a reasonable level of income...

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Savings & Investments

There are many different ways to save, but whichever way you choose, the general idea is the same: to build up some money - savings...

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Wealth Management

Wealth, just like your health, must be carefully preserved. Your assets need to be protected against the potential threats of erosion by taxation...

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Taxation can be very complicated and the rules, reliefs and allowances often change, so it is worth obtaining a clear grasp of how these taxes...

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Financial Planner located in Ballymena, Co. Antrim

Welcome to Ballymena Investment Centre Ltd

The great joy of financial freedom is having your heart and mind free from worry about life's uncertainties, and our aim is to pave the way for a more secure financial future for you, your family and for businesses of all sizes.

You are the focus of our business: You, your life, your family, your future.

Our understanding of your current financial situation is the keystone to the formulation of a financial plan which will meet your future needs. Many people have goals and dreams, but a goal without a plan is just a wish... an achievable goal is a dream with a deadline.

So it all starts with listening. We listen to your needs, your hopes, your dreams, and we formulate a plan, which enables us to offer you clear, no-jargon advice on the most appropriate financial products for your personal circumstances.

This is the start of our journey together, to prepare the plan to meet your goals, to ensure that you, your family and your assets are protected, and to help you build a brighter, more secure future.

Call us today on 02825 420134 or email us at denver@ballymenainvestmentcentre.com and we'll be pleased to help you.


Here's how we formulate
the plan towards Your Goals

Many people have goals and dreams, but a goal without a plan
is just a wish... an achievable goal is a dream with a deadline.

Our Plan
For You


We'll discuss with you our analysis of your current financial position, and outline our initial thoughts for the plan.


So now we know where you are and where you want to be. In this phase we present your Personal Financial Plan.


It's time to implement the plan. Every course of action we have recommended and agreed with you is now put into motion.

Review the Plan & Progress Updates

If required, review dates will be agreed and can take place annually or more regularly if required or requested.


We meet together to discuss your personal circumstances and your current financial situation.

Your Goals & Ambitions

Next we discuss your objectives and your aspirations, as well as any concerns that may arise.


We'll discuss with you our analysis of your current financial position, and outline our initial thoughts for the plan.


So now we know where you are and where you want to be. In this phase we present your Personal Financial Plan.


It's time to implement the plan. Every course of action we have recommended and agreed with you is now put into motion.

Review the Plan & Progress Updates

If required, review dates will be agreed and can take place annually or more regularly if required or requested.


We meet together to discuss your personal circumstances and your current financial situation.

Your Goals & Ambitions

Next we discuss your objectives and your aspirations, as well as any concerns that may arise.

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What They Say
About Us

  • Julie K


  • Beverlee M-W


  • Maria Mc K


  • Jonathan B


  • Very friendly and very knowledgeable. Always ready to help with any queries I have.



where we are

02825 420134
7 Old Park Hall
Ballymena BT42 1FU

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